Play Therapy

What is Play Therapy?

We understand that children communicate and process their experiences through play. That's why we offer play therapy, a specialized form of therapy that provides children a safe and supportive environment to express themselves, explore their emotions, and facilitate healing.

What is play therapy, you might ask? It is a form of counseling that is designed specifically for children aged 3-12. Through play, children can express their thoughts, feelings, and experiences that may be difficult for them to express verbally. Play therapy utilizes various techniques and carefully selected toys to create a therapeutic space where children can work through their challenges.

Our team of dedicated and trained play therapists strive to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere, ensuring that your child feels comfortable and at ease during their sessions. They are skilled in creating a nurturing environment where children can freely explore their emotions, address their fears, and build resilience.

Play therapy has been proven to be an effective treatment approach for a wide range of issues that children may face, including anxiety, trauma, divorce, behavioral issues, grief and loss, developmental delays, and more. Our play therapists use evidence-based strategies and interventions tailored to each child's unique needs, empowering them to develop healthy coping skills, improve self-esteem, and foster emotional growth.

We understand that every child is unique and may require a customized approach. That's why our play therapists work closely with parents and guardians to establish goals and monitor progress. We believe that collaboration with families is crucial for the success of play therapy, and we strive to create a strong support system that extends beyond the therapy room.

If you're looking for a safe and effective therapeutic approach for your child, consider play therapy at Tyler Family Counseling. Our experienced play therapists are here to support your child's emotional well-being and help them thrive.

Contact us today to learn more about how play therapy can make a positive difference in your child's life.