Do you take my insurance?

Depends on the provider.

Rebekah Walker takes the following insurance: BCBS, UnitedHealth, Aetna, Cigna, Tricare, ChampVA, Magellan.

Charla Killian: BCBS, UnitedHealth, Aetna, Cigna

Chantel Longino: Does not take insurance but superbill can be provided.

Everyone else: Private Pay only

Where do I go?

We are located in the Threlkeld Insurance building, suite 101. Come in the main building door and turn left. Come into our suite and have a seat in our lobby. Your therapist will come out and get you when it's time. Sometimes we might run 1-5 minutes late but we promise we will come get you from the lobby.

What does the first session look like?

During the first session, your therapist will ask you some basic questions and get a feel for what brought you into counseling. We will work with you to create your goals for the counseling process.

The session is for my child/teen. Who should come to the first session?

Depends on the provider.

Rebekah Walker and Charla Killian: Parent and child must be present to bill insurance.

For your session with anyone else: Just both or one parent, as you will have a parent session first.

Can both parents come to the first session?


What does the first session look like for my child/teen?

For Rebekah Walker and Charla Killian: In the first session, you and your child will come into the room. We will go over confidentiality, rules for counseling, and basic intake questions. This takes about 30 minutes. Then we will dismiss you to the lobby and your child will stay with the therapist so they can play and get to know each other.

For all other therapists: The first session will be a parent intake. Your child will join in on the second session.

What about follow up sessions?

Follow up sessions will just be your child in the office. You are more than welcome to email the therapist an update or use the client portal to let them know any feedback or recent events that have occurred. But we try to talk minimally to the parent during your child's session time. (Most children don't like to think we are talking about them while they are waiting to have their session so email is the best way to communicate updates) If a parent session is needed, we can set that up as well. We never want you to feel like you're not included in your child's treatment, but we just have found that the less a child feels we are "talking behind their back" the better the therapeutic process works.

I need someone else to bring them. Is that ok?

Absolutely, but in the initial session, we ask that you come as well. But follow up sessions, it's ok for a relative or babysitter to bring them. Just as long as we can text you to schedule the next session or you already have the next session booked.

Will you provide a school note?

Yes! We will. We will also work with you to try to avoid your child missing core subjects but our after school availability is very limited.

I am divorced. Does the other parent need to be involved?

What does your divorce decree say? While it might give you the authority to seek counseling independently, if your ex is involved in any way, It is best that both parents are on board. We ask that you talk to your ex about seeking counseling for your child.

We will require you to upload a decree into the portal. We are required by law to have a copy of your divorce decree or custody arrangement.

We understand that families are different and have all sorts of dynamics, but we also have legal obligations and believe that it is best to include any parent who is involved in their life.