Prepare and Enrich

Prepare and Enrich

Prepare and Enrich is a program that provides premarital and marriage counseling that uses an assessment tool designed to help couples identify strengths and areas for growth in their relationships. The assessment is based on over 35 years of research and is designed to identify potential areas of conflicts that couples can work on before and after marriage. The tool is intended to help couples explore important relationship issues like communication, conflict resolution, personality traits, financial management, and more. The goal of the program is to help couples acquire skills and resources to empower them to build and maintain a strong and fulfilling relationship.

The assessment results are used and interpreted by trained facilitators or counselors, who then use the information gathered to tailor counseling sessions to the couple's specific needs. Sessions may include teaching effective communication skills, conflict resolution techniques, and addressing any hidden or unaddressed issues that may be undermining the relationship. Additionally, the program offers resources such as workbook exercises, a mobile app, and a custom guide for both the couple and their counselor designed to ensure consistent support throughout the counseling process.

The Prepare and Enrich program has been used by over 4 million couples worldwide and has received positive feedback from couples and marriage counselors alike. The program has been shown to be effective in improving couples' communication, reducing conflict, and improving relationship satisfaction, making it an excellent option for couples looking to build stronger and more fulfilling relationships.

Get ready to prepare and enrich your future marriage.


  1. "Prepare/Enrich Assessment Tool & Marriage Counseling Program - Prepare/Enrich." Prepare/Enrich, Prepare/Enrich,

  2. "Couples - Prepare/Enrich." Prepare/Enrich, Prepare/Enrich,